View Profile Jon-86
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jon 86 @Jon-86

Age 38, Male

Free Thinker


Joined on 1/30/07

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The only post

Posted by Jon-86 - April 8th, 2008

This is here because im sick of that little smile thats crying beside the message "You don't have any news posts. Why not make one now?" If they had it as the confused smiley beside the message then it wouldnt matter. But that little bugger is just a mood killer.

Anyway if anyones going to post a comment. Make it interesting or.
1. You wont get a reply.
2. It makes you look like a stupid little kid. With no life.
3. It will be deleted when I get around to it, or I might just leave it so people can see what a stupid little kid you are, enough said!

So here is the only post that will ever be on this page!

The only post


lol i like it

I wish I could speak Gaelige.


Can you prove proactively that this is the only post that will ever be on this page? I doubt it. You may not currently intend to post further news posts here, but that in no way guarantees that you won't, and so I propose that the last statement in your supposed only news post is, while not necessarily false, certainly an uncertainty.
However, if you dig a little deeper, you'll notice that ordinarily, each news post is put on a separate page, as in <a href="http://jon-86.newgrounds.com/news/post/105780">http://jon-86.newgrounds.com/news/pos t/105780</a>, etc. That would tell us that your statement is true in technicality, if not in spirit.
But we must also consider the case where you click on the news button on a user's page. If you do so, you find yourself on a page containing a certain number of posts. If the user has only posted once, there will be only one on the page. If they have posted more than once, likely more posts will be on that page, though there is the as yet not researched possibility that a lengthy post would fill up the entire page, and subsequent posts would form new pages. For the moment we shall assume this would not be possible. Perhaps the page creation goes by posts on a page, not length of posts, or some other unconsidered possibility may be true.
Now, if, potentially, you were to break your current trend and hope, and post more news posts on your account, that user news page would gain posts, and the technical correctness of your statement earlier mentioned would now be null and void as well. For the previous statement, it is given that the only one post you have currently posted is shorter than the theoretical limit we described, and though you could have at some point edited the post, assuming newgrounds does not change that ability, though considering past trends towards expanding user customization and command that is unlikely, since we earlier stated that we would not be considering the possibility of post length ruling page length, we will again rule that out of our consideration for now.
So, in conclusion, we have two basic possibilities. One, that if one were to view the news post on it's own page, it's last line's logic would hold true; and two, that if it were to be viewed on the multiple posts page, it would revert to its variable status pending new, changed, or deleted news posts.
Basically, it's a matter of how you look at it.

Cool an interesting post! From what I can see. Each news post on a userpage is given its own page. And comments are linked with it. I have yet to see a news post on someones page that uses pagination to split the comments onto multiple pages.

So aye this is the only post that will ever be on this page! As I dont have enough time to and cant be bothered making any more news posts on my user page :)

How sad...

yo Truth was here

I'm sorry.

Great flash, believe it!


(1) sexy fake people want to engage in sexual intercourse with you!

For the record: <a href="http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3122/fortherecorddc8.jpg">http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/31 22/fortherecorddc8.jpg</a>

That was my fault. I needed a test subject, and, well...


Very interesting post. Although, as stated by OneWhoListens, and contrary to your previous motives, I would definitely enjoy any and all further news posts by you, consider that they aren't of an horrid or distasteful nature. That being said, I fully hope your future endeavors, or not-endeavors lead you into multiple pages of news articles pertaining to you and only you!

Cheers, eh? (I do believe I just cross-referenced to two very different language slangs... oh I'm bad... )

Hey you almost convinced me to change my mind and make a news post saying that you did. But I cant, if I start posting here it would lead me to waste more time that I can't afford to waste this semster. Also I've decided against posting my thoughts online. Some shit you just have to keep to yourself.

Also you do get Canadian englishmen I have heard many a Cheers, eh. From the couple of times a've been over their :)

do you like pizza?

Scotland - Glasgow FTW

Ha! I don't even have a first news post. Yet.


It's the wee things that get to me now and then, a guess you can suffer the crying smile emoticon better than me :)

So what's your opinion on the whole Barracks shooting thing and the inevitable shitstorm that has already begun?

Random thought, but do you live anywhere around dundee? I don't know You're the only person other than myself I know from scotland that actively participated in the BBS :P

I'm not from Dundee I'm a weegie, Their are a few Scots on the BBS though. They have even gotten together for a drink around my neck of the woods, but I've never been to anything like that.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/sea rch/topic/Glasgow

Good evening, mah lad.

What is this "old firm" thing in your banner?

"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old _Firm" <- that explains it. However the point of that banner is a simple one. People assume problems sectarianism / racism / bigotry etc are "old firm problems" They say "one side is as bad as the other" meaning the utter bile that comes from The huns/loyalists/Scotland's shame! is ok because "we must be doing it to them also" but this is nowhere near true.

It is like being tarred with the same brush as they say. But Celtic supporters don't have the same mentality as the huns, they don't go looking for Catholics/Pakis/Black/Immigrants/
etc to beat, stab or kill.

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